
How to cook your Quinoa using your rice cooker

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

 Cooking Quinoa in the rice cooker is such a simple way to cook Quinoa that ends up tasting so yummy. What you will need: {1}1 Cup Measuring cup -{1} Draining colander - {1} 1/4 measuring spoon {1} 1 Tbsp. Measuring spoon {1} Rice Cooker
1/4 tsp - Salt 
1 Cup - Quinoa 
2 cups - Water + water to rinse quinoa 
1 Tbsp - Coconut Oil

on to the tutorial: 
Step 1: Gather all of your ingredients. I have a small rice cooker that will fit 1Cup of quinoa cooked. Adjust accordingly to the size of your rice cooker.

Remember to get the measuring cup & spoons. 
Step 2: Measure out 1 cup of quinoa
 Step 3: Rinse quinoa for a few seconds
Step 4: Measure 2 Cups of water & pour into rice cooker
Step 5: Place rinsed & drained quinoa into rice cooker

                  Step 6: Measure out 1/4 tsp. salt & place into rice cooker
  The ingredients that I used

Step 7: stir the salt in

Step 8: Measure out  coconut oil that is warm & liquid. stir mix together 
 Step 9:  Put the Lid on the rice cooker & set to cook

Depending on how your Rice cooker settings are I will take about 15 minutes.
& YOU'RE DONE, all you have left to do is decide if you want to eat it savory or sweet. 
or possibly store it in the fridge to eat for later {like for breakfast} YUM...

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