Make Your Bed it's May

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

 It's Amazing what a difference the simple task of making your bed changes the whole look & feel of you bedroom. When the bed is made the whole room just feels put together! 

Quick note: Did you know that your bed is where you get the most important down time of all?  it's where sleep and relaxation for the next day happens. 

Have you ever tried to teach/tell your kid to do something & all they do is look at you like your a crazy person?   Well that's us, lately! We kept telling V to make her bed before she went to school.  You know what she wouldn't do it most days and the days she did it wasn't without a fight.  Now that the end of the school year is coming I'm reflecting back on this and thinking you no what I totally don't blame her for not wanting to make her bed! Yep, you heard that right, neither one of us made our bed so it makes sense.  Who was the role model?  So I decided to take action by becoming consistent with Making my bed so I can step into authority & who knows maybe She'll notice! Kids learn best by watching.   (and so do I) 

Action Step: Tomorrow morning make you're bed & see the difference your day brings!

Tip: Add a little luxury to your space.  It could be as simple as spraying a sent that smells nice on your sheets, in your room,  or as complex as getting all new bedding! Just change something that makes you excited to make your bed.

Note: Think making your bed doesn't matter? Studies show those who make their bed every morning tend to be more productive.  Small Win = improvement spillover

Got any good tips for us? leave a comment below

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We got Married in the summer of 1999. what a crazy Year that was. So many of our friends and family got married that same year. It's been a wild ride but after all, we are LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ~Even after all this time the slipper still fits~

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