It's A Hard KNocK Life

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Will you be ready when life gets tough and you don't even have is a borrowed helmet?
Life isn't easy we all know that! I'm thankful that at an early age I learned how to laugh. I know all of you might think HuH? but If you grew up in the carter house you'd understand why. laughter is the best medicine to get us through the challenge. It changes the way we think. don't trust me try it you'll see. Let's face it tough times happen to everyone it's a part of life's cruel game. The hardest part of it all is accepting it is what it is so move on.

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We got Married in the summer of 1999. what a crazy Year that was. So many of our friends and family got married that same year. It's been a wild ride but after all, we are LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ~Even after all this time the slipper still fits~

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