If U haven't yet............U will

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Well Maybe! We make Homemade Laundry Detergent! It's the best thing I've found to save my silly itchy skin problem. The good news is it's cheaper than what we were using.

Recipe for the laundry detergent:

3 grated bar soap (Dove sensitive skin)
(I use the food processor to shred the bars)
4 cups Arm and Hammer (suppose to be washing soda but this time I noticed I bought baking soda oops But it
worked about the same)
4 cups borax

Use only 1 tablespoon unless its a dirty batch then I use 2 Tbs.

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We got Married in the summer of 1999. what a crazy Year that was. So many of our friends and family got married that same year. It's been a wild ride but after all, we are LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ~Even after all this time the slipper still fits~

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