What's this a trip.......A trip with out V

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our first trip with Out V. We had a blast! We left her with Grandma & Grandpa Carter they both had fun spending time with each other. This was the longest Shaun & I had been with out her. sO mUcH FuN so little time (We missed V too). We built a TP while we were there and Shaun said, "Bring Vanessa to us were staying here!" If life were only that easy. We'd like to send many thanks to those that made this trip possible.

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We got Married in the summer of 1999. what a crazy Year that was. So many of our friends and family got married that same year. It's been a wild ride but after all, we are LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ~Even after all this time the slipper still fits~

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