Well That Went by Fast......

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

R Summer went bye way 2 Fast!
How about yours'?
We did a lot during the summer but why does it still
feel like we accomplished nothing.


Lately, our biggest challenge we've been facing around here is accepting that there's been so much change. We don't quite know what to keep or let go of, but we Can hardly contain our surprises any longer,they're exciting!!!
you'll just have to wait 4 another post.

I know, you were getting excited too.
Well until then, Remember 2:

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We got Married in the summer of 1999. what a crazy Year that was. So many of our friends and family got married that same year. It's been a wild ride but after all, we are LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER! ~Even after all this time the slipper still fits~

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